
Showing posts from August, 2021

Saying Goodbye to a Decade of Breaking Muscle

Saying Goodbye to a Decade of Breaking Muscle

Body Recomposition - Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

Body Recomposition - Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

From Coach to Student of Physical Therapy

From Coach to Student of Physical Therapy

Why Athletes Hate the Jerk Lift

Why Athletes Hate the Jerk Lift

Reducing High Blood Pressure With Isometric Resistance Training

Reducing High Blood Pressure With Isometric Resistance Training

Go Beyond the 5 Fundamental Movement Patterns

Go Beyond the 5 Fundamental Movement Patterns

Prevent Self-Sabotage With a Flexible Framework

Prevent Self-Sabotage With a Flexible Framework

Time Restricted Eating Is All About Age and Sex

The Lifting Game: Weightlifters Versus CrossFit Athletes

Time Restricted Eating Is All About Age and Sex

The Lifting Game: Weightlifters Versus CrossFit Athletes

Do Genetics Make for Better Strength and Power Athletes?

How to Form Tough Identities That Propel Behavioral Change

Lose 250 Calories Because Exercise Alone is Not Enough

The 505kg Deadlift Mark Remains Untouched

Frailty Is the Disease, Physical Exercise Is the Cure

5 Ways to Get Client Buy-in and Increase Client Retention

Do Genetics Make for Better Strength and Power Athletes?

How to Form Tough Identities That Propel Behavioral Change

How to Form Tough Identities That Propel Behavioral Change

Lose 250 Calories Because Exercise Alone is Not Enough

Lose 250 Calories Because Exercise Alone is Not Enough

The 505kg Deadlift Mark Remains Untouched

Frailty Is the Disease, Physical Exercise Is the Cure

5 Ways to Get Client Buy-in and Increase Client Retention

How Lifting Weights Burns Fat

Programming for CrossFit Strength, Endurance, and Preparedness

The 505kg Deadlift Mark Remains Untouched

Frailty Is the Disease, Physical Exercise Is the Cure

5 Ways to Get Client Buy-in and Increase Client Retention

5 Ways to Get Client Buy-in and Increase Client Retention

Programming for CrossFit Strength, Endurance, and Preparedness

Programming for CrossFit Strength, Endurance, and Preparedness

How Lifting Weights Burns Fat

How Lifting Weights Burns Fat