Powerlifter Phillip Herndon Squats 410 Kilograms (904 Pounds) W/Wraps During Training

Squatting 400-plus-kilograms isn’t new territory for Phillip Herndon. But two months out from his next competition, on May 9, 2022, the powerlifter posted a 410-kilogram (904-pound) squat in training, punctuating strength gains that very well could trend toward a new world record.

For context, Herndon already owns the all-time heaviest squat of 435 kilograms (959 pounds) in the 110-kilogram weight class. He did not disclose his weight for the lift, but Herndon has consistently competed at 110 kilograms as a professional in recent years.

Check out the squat below, courtesy of Herndon’s Instagram profile:


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A post shared by Phill Herndon (@phillip_herndon)

[Related: Powerlifter Tiffany Chapon Squats 166 Kilograms (366 Pounds), Exceeds IPF World Record Again]

Herndon’s powerful squat while wearing wraps appears to be a part of ongoing training for his next competition. As he notes in his Instagram post, the powerlifter will participate in the 2022 World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) American Pro this late July.

If hefty squats such as this are what Herndon brings to the table, then he might be in great shape for the meet.

Herndon at a Glance

At 26-years-old, Herndon is technically smack dab in the prime of his career. There are plenty of potential achievements still on the horizon if he pursues them accordingly. That said, Herndon has been a competitive powerlifter, in some capacity, for nearly a decade. The American athlete began his career in Junior meets in his native Pennsylvania in 2013 and has hit the ground running ever since.

Notably, Herndon set the current squat with wraps all-time world record at the 2022 United States Powerlifting Coalition (USPC) Mid-Atlantic Classic in early April. His mark bested Daniel Misencik (110KG), who squatted 432.5 kilograms (953.5 pounds) at the 2022 WRPF Ghost Clash this past February — who also previously topped Herndon’s old top figure.

Here’s a rundown of some of the more notable recent results from Herndon’s career:

Phillip Herndon | Notable Career Results

  • 2018 International Powerlifting League (IPL) Philadelphia Fit Expo (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2018 United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) Iron City Pro/Am (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2018 USPA Yuletide Slay Full-Power Classic (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2019 WRPF Kern US Open (Wraps) — Third place | Open
  • 2019 USPA The Tribute (Wraps) — Second place | Open
  • 2019 Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS) Raw Dawg Nationals 8 (Wraps) — First place | Pro Open
  • 2019 International Powerlifting Association (IPA) National Powerlifting & Bench Press Championships (Wraps) — First place | Pro Open
  • 2020 USPA Pioneer Open (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2020 Metal Militia (MM) National Championships (Wraps) — First place | Pro Open
  • 2020 USPC Virginia State Championships (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2021 RPS NJ and North American Championships (Wraps) — First place | Pro Open
  • 2021 WRPF Kern US Open (Wraps) — First place | Open
  • 2021 USPA Pennsylvania State Championship (Raw) — First place | Open
  • 2022 USPC Mid-Atlantic Classic (Wraps) — First place | Open


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A post shared by Phill Herndon (@phillip_herndon)

[Related: Learn How To Build Strength With Three Key Principles]

The American Pro is Next

Herndon will enter his next competition on a current streak of nine straight wins. At the same time, given his recent training focus, it’s not a stretch to assume he will also try to extend his squat with wraps record.

The 2022 WRPF American Pro will take place on July 29-30, 2022, in Manassas, VA.

Featured image: @phillip_herndon on Instagram

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source https://breakingmuscle.com/powerlifter-phillip-herndon-squats-904-pounds/
